This meeting is dedicated to the memory of Heinz Langer, who unexpectedly passed away on 25th January 2024 in the eighty-ninth
year of his life. The intention is to gather friends and colleagues and keep alive the memories of Heinz
-- as a person and as a scientist.
The scientific program of the conference consists of invited talks. The list of speakers is:
Vadym Adamyan
Daniel Alpay
Jussi Behrndt
Aad Dijksma
Andreas Fleige
Aurelian Gheondea
Seppo Hassi
Michael Kaltenbäck
Bernd Kirstein
Matthias Langer
Annemarie Luger
Mark Malamud
Marco Marletta
Manfred Möller
Zoltán Sasvári
Henk de Snoo
Franciszek Szafraniec
Christiane Tretter
Krešimir Veselić
Henrik Winkler
Harald Woracek
Other participants will have the opportunity to submit a poster.
For further information, please check the links on this website.
If you have special requests which are not answered by the information on this site, please use the conference
email address