There are nearly infinitely many places to have lunch or dinner, and many are close to the university.
The below is a very personal selection of places.
Here are a few restaurants which are not ''just the usual stuff''.
Umar (incredible fish and seafood).
Naschmarkt (stand 76-79) Reservation recommended
Ubl (charming Viennese restaurant; a typical ''Beisl'')
Pressgasse 26
Figlmüller Wollzeile (despite being advertised already at the airport, the Schnitzel is indeed great and the
atmosphere is surprisingly typical -- at least in their place in Wollzeile)
Wollzeile 5 Reservation necessary
Ostwind (quite original chinese restaurant)
Lindengasse 24 Reservation recommended
Amerlingbeisl (nice place in a nice area for going out).
Stiftgasse 8 Reservations: call +43 1 5261660
Coffee Houses
Coffee houses have a great tradition in Vienna.
They are also good to get lunch or dinner; cooked dishes are usually served for reasonable prices (unlike coffee, but therefore
you can peacefully sit and read or work for a couple of hours).
Cafe Prückel (go and eat Apfelstrudel)
Stubenring 24
Cafe Jelinek (take the time to forget about time)
Otto-Bauer-Gasse 5